
 20141211日,美国科罗拉多州立大学的 Larry Belfiore 教授和 Matt Kipper教授在青岛大学化学化工与环境学院副院长唐建国教授陪同下到我系访问,并于上午9时在袁成英楼208室作报告。 Matt Kipper教授首先作了题为"Structure and function of proteoglycan mimics"的汇报,简要报告了模拟糖蛋白方面的研究的新成就。接着Belfiore 教授作了题为"Competitive interactions and nanocluster assemblies in macromolecule-metal complexes"的报告,概述了他在配体-金属作用领域数十年研究的亮点。



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Belfiore教授近日受聘为青岛大学千人计划专家,这次他专程到复旦大学高分子科学系访问一天。时隔二十三载再次相逢,两位科学家忆起往事,都万分感怀相识的缘分!Belfiore 教授在报告结束后,向江明院士赠送了他的巨著《physical properties of macromolecules》。他声情并茂地朗诵了他写在扉页上的题词:”… In November 1991 at the Otsu meeting of  the Pacific Polymer Federation, you introduced me to the concept of transition-metal compatiobilization of 2 immiscible random copolymers….I am grateful for this idea that you shared with me …”。江明老师也难掩激动,再次起身说道“ It is very usual for one to get some new idea from others in a conference, however, it is really unusual for one to keep it in mind for twenty years and to say that in public : this idea is from someone…. I have been deeply moved by Belfiore’s  truth, loyalty and frendship”.这时热烈掌声想起,与会的老师同学们一同见证了这一学术报告会上十分难得的感人一幕。