汤 慧
电话: +86-21-51630310
1998-2002 南开大学,理学学士
2002-2007 北京大学,理学博士
2007-2014 复旦大学,讲师
2014至今 复旦大学,副教授
Hui Tang, Bo Zhang, and Peiyi Wu*, On the two-step phase transition behavior of the Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) brush: different zones with different orders, Soft Matter, 2014, 10(37), 7278-7284.
Ying Jing, Hui Tang*and Peiyi Wu*, Deviation of phase transition process in surface-tethered thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer nanocomposites with graphene oxide: a spectroscopic study, Polymer chemistry, 2013, 4, 5768-5775.
Ying Jing, Hui Tang*, Guijun Yu and Peiyi Wu*, Chemical modification of graphene with a thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer and its reinforcement effect in the polymer matrix, Polymer chemistry, 2013, 4, 2598-2607.
Bo Zhang, Shengjie Xu, Hui Tang* and Peiyi Wu*, Crosslinked acetylacetonated poly(vinyl alcohol-co-vinyl acetate) nanocomposites with graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide: a new way to modify the property of nanocomposites, RSC Advances, 2013, 3, 8372-8379.