邮箱: gwwang@fudan.edu.cn
1997-2001 中北大学,工学学士
2001-2004 郑州大学,工学硕士
2004-2007 复旦大学,理学博士
2007-2011 复旦大学,讲师
2011 till now 复旦大学,副教授
Zhang, J. X.; Shen, H. Y.; Song, W. G.; Wang, G. W.* Synthesis and characterization of novel copolymers with different topological structures and TEMPO radical distributions. Macromolecules2017, 50 (7), 2683-2695.
Shen, H. Y.; Wang, G. W.* A versatile flash cyclization technique assisted by microreactor. Polym. Chem.2017, 8 (36), 5554-5560.
Wang, J.; Wu, Z. G.*; Shen, H. Y.; Wang, G. W*. Synthesis, characterization and the paramagnetic properties of bottle-brush copolymers with shielding TEMPO radicals. Polym. Chem. 2017, 8 (45), 7044-7053.
Wang, G. W.; Schmitt, M.; Wang, Z. Y.; Lee, B.; Pan, X. C.; Fu, L. Y.; Yan, J. J.; Li, S. P.; Xie, G. J.; Bockstaller, M. R.*; Matyjaszewski, K.* Polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA) using ICAR ATRP at low catalyst concentration. Macromolecules2016, 49 (22), 8605-8615.
Song, W. G.; Huang, J.; Hang, C.; Liu, C. Y.; Wang, X. P.; Wang, G. W.* Synthesis of thermally cleavable multisegmented polystyrene by an atom transfer nitroxide radical polymerization (ATNRP) mechanism. Polym. Chem.2015, 6 (46), 8060-8070.
Liu, Y. J.; Wang, X. P.; Song, W. G.; Wang, G. W.* Synthesis and characterization of silica nanoparticles functionalized with multiple TEMPO groups and investigation on their oxidation activity. Polym. Chem. 2015, 6 (43), 7514-7523.
Liang, X. Y.; Liu, Y. J.; Huang, J.; Wei, L. H.*; Wang, G. W.* Synthesis and characterization of novel barbwire-like graft polymers poly(ethylene oxide)-g-poly(epsilon-caprolactone)4 by the 'grafting from' strategy. Polym. Chem.2015, 6 (3), 466-475.
Chen, L. D.; Zhang, J. X.; Liu, Y. J.; Zhang, H. D.*; Wang, G. W.* Synthesis, characterization, micellization and application of novel multiblock copolymers with the same compositions but different linkages. Polym. Chem.2015, 6 (48), 8343-8353.